வெள்ளி, 14 பிப்ரவரி, 2025

ஏழ்திணைக் காதல் - மகாராசன்

வெறுமை மண்டியிருக்கும் வாழ்நிலத்தில்
கூந்தல் சூடத் தவிக்கின்றன
கைக்கிளைப் பூக்கள்.

பறவையின் வரவுக்காய்
கிளைக்காம்பில் காத்திருக்கின்றன
பெருந்திணைக் கனிகள்.

மும்முலைத் தாயவளின் 
குறள் கசிந்த நிலத்தில் 
வான்முலைத் தாய்ச்சியின்
மழைப்பால் குடித்துத் தவழ்கிறது
ஐந்திணைச் செவல் காடு.

எழுதிணைக் காமத்தின்
இன்பத்தில் திளைக்கிறது ஏழ்பிறப்பு.

- மகாராசன்.

In emptiness -filled
habitat lands
longing to adore the hair
stands the flowers of one-sided love*.

Fruits of an elderly love*
alone on the branch it stands,
awaiting the bird's visit.

On land spilled with Kural*  
by a mother with three breasts,  
the red soil fields, 
rich with five kinds of love*,  
drink the milk that showers  
from the breast of the rain mother,  
as they crawl.

All seven births  
remain immersed in ecstasy,  
with seven types of cultural love and lust*.

* One-sided love: Unreciprocated sexual love, as one-sided. It is called Kaikkilai in Tamil. 

*Five kinds of love: The Love between a man and a woman is depicted through five distinct situations, each associated with one of the five tracts of land in Tamil culture.These are Kurinji, Mullai, Marutham, Neithal and Paalai. These five expressions of love are collectively known as Anbin Ainthinaigal in Tamil, representing the harmonious blend of nature and human emotions in Tamil literature.

* Elderly love: An inappropriate sexual relationship is called Perunthinai in Tamil.

*Kural: The ancient Tamil moral literature text Thirukkural consisting of 1330 short couplets of seven words each in kural venba form, wtitten by Thiruvalluvar. The book is divided into three sections Aram, Porul, Inbam. Considered one of the world’s greatest works on morality, this book is known for its generality and secular nature.

*Seven types of cultural love and lust: Ancient Tamil literature divides the life of the Tamils of that era into two broad categories:Internal life (Agathinai) and External life (Purathinai). Internal life refers to the intimate relationship between a man and a woman who live together in love and harmony. These inner emotions and experiences, which occur within the individual or between the couple, are collectively termed as Agathinai in Tamil. The ancient Tamil grammer text Tholkaappiyam divides the Agathinai into seven sections. These are: Kaikkilai, Kurinji, Mullai, Marutham, Neithal, Paalai, Perunthinai. Each of these sections represents specific aspects of love and emotions.

Poem by: Maharasan
Translated from Tamil by:
Padma Amarnaath.

ஓவியம்: கார்த்திகேயன்

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